National Mole Fair

San Pedro Actopan

Try famous, traditional mole with almonds and experience the intensity of the folklore of traditional Mexican food. Moles include those made with fruit, pipián, adobo, poblano, and green moles. Each is accompanied by dishes like duck, romeritos, rabbit, chicken, turkey, enchiladas, and tamales, and drinks like pulque, pinole and aguamiel.

Visitors can also take to the rides, artistic and cultural shows in the town theater and traditional regional dance. Don't miss the Flying Papantla Acrobats and the fantastic landscapes of the south of Mexico City.

Available dates

Event Info

  • Duration: 15:00
  • Ages: From 3 years
  • Accesibility: Yes
  • Costs:
    • General: $ 10
  • Event posted by: Secretaría de Turismo - Gobierno CDMX


At hours

Consulta más fechas seleccionando la fecha que desees en el calendario superior


Nueva Carretera a Oaxtepec 84 , Tula, Milpa Alta, ZIP Code 12200, Mexico City