Huellas del Culto a las Deidades del Agua

Centro Comunitario Culhuacán

"Traces of the Cult of Water Deities"

Culhuacan was a place surrounded by springs, canals, and chinampas, and ancient inhabitants of the area had a deep respect for the natural phenomena that occurred here.

Available dates

Event Info

  • Duration: 08:00
  • Ages: From 1 years
  • Accesibility: Yes
  • Costs:
    • : Gratuito
  • Event posted by: Secretaría de Turismo - Gobierno CDMX


At hours

Consulta más fechas seleccionando la fecha que desees en el calendario superior


16 de Septiembre s/n , San Antonio Culhuacán, Iztapalapa, ZIP Code 09800, Mexico City